Senior Dog Rescue of Oregon
100% volunteer    100% foster homes    100% donor funded


Adoption/Surrender Fees

If you would like to pay your adoption or surrender fees online, use our paypal/credit card button (Note: The $3 shipping charge is really a $3 online processing charge):

Select a Fee

Make a Donation

Please click the "Donate" button (with the white and brown dog) in the right sidebar of this or any page on our site. You will be prompted to enter an amount. You can even check the box that says "Make this a monthly donation." Thank you for your donation!

Custom Payment

If you want to pay adoption or surrender fees AND also make a donation or other payment, you can use the form below to specify the exact amount and provide a note about what the payment is for. Thank you for your donation!

Enter amount:

Payment notes:

Payments through Paypal